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Counting Calories

Click on the link below labelled calorie counter to find a calorie calculator tool, this will show you how many calories you should be intaking each day.

Follow these steps to find your correct intake, and note that you can add more calories to your final result to gain weight
or subtract a few hundred calories to lose weight. Everything you eat and drink contains calories. From junk food like cookies, candy, potato chips and soda, to more healthy food like whole wheat bread, grilled chicken, broccoli, and orange juice... they all contain calories. Because these are the calories you are taking in, they are nicknamed calories in.

Everything you do burns calories. Calories are energy, so they are used for everything your body has to do. From intense exercise like running and weight training, to everyday tasks like standing and tying your shoes... they all burn calories. And that's only the half of it. Your body actually uses a ton of calories every single day even when you aren't doing anything. Just keeping your body alive and functioning properly burns lots of calories. Because these are the calories your body is burning and using up, they are nicknamed calories out.

Weight control is all about the battle between calories in and calories out. If they are both equal to each other, your weight will stay exactly the same. But, if one is higher than the other, your weight will change. Not only that, but it will continue to change in that same direction until they either equal each other, or they switch places and therefore cause your weight to change in the opposite direction.

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Calorie Counter